BISE Lahore Board 10th Class Result 2023/2024


According to the latest announcement, BISE Lahore Board 10th Class Result 2023 will be announced on July 31st, 2023.

BISE Lahore10th Class Result
Class10th Class
BoardBoard of Intermediate and Secondary Education Lahore
Result Date31st July 2023
NoteThe Result will be announced on the month of 31st July At 10:10 AM. For the latest updates Keep visiting our page.
10th class result bise lahore board

BISE Lahore 10th Class Result 2023 Check Online

Visit the official website of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Lahore. The official website is the most reliable source for accessing accurate and official result information.

Once you are on the BISE Lahore Board website, look for the “Results” or “Examinations” section. This section is typically prominently display on the homepage or listed in the main menu. Within the Results section, locate and click on the link for the “10th Class Result 2023” or a similar option. This will direct you to the dedicated result page specifically designed for accessing the 10th class results of the year 2023. After that enter your roll no. By entering you roll no you will click on check result to get result details.

Checking 10th Class Result By Gazette

The Gazette is a PDF file, and it is easy to check the Gazette results. Also, we provide information to students on how to check their results. Most of the students are not aware of the procedure to check Lahore 10th Result 2023. To check it by gazette copy students have to get that copy and search their roll no in that copy provided by board authorities. It will have all details about their 10th class result.

Check 10th Class Result By SMS Code

To check the BISE Lahore Board 10th Class Result via SMS, follow these simple steps. Send an SMS to this code 80029 . In the message, type your roll number and send it to the given number. After a few moments, you will receive an SMS with your 10th class result. Make sure to double-check the accuracy of the roll number before sending the message. This convenient method allows you to access your result quickly and easily, without the need for internet access or visiting the official website. Stay updated with the latest information and announcements from the BISE Lahore Board to ensure a smooth result checking process.

Checking 10th Class Result BISE Lahore By Name

To check the 10th class result by name, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the board or education department that conducted the 10th class exams. For example, if you appeared for the exams under the XYZ Board of Education, go to their official website.
  2. Look for the “Results” or “Examination” section on the website. It is usually located on the homepage or under a specific tab related to examinations.
  3. Once you find the relevant section, click on it to proceed to the result checking page.
  4. On the result checking page, you may find various options to search for your result. Look for the option that allows you to search by name. It might be labeled as “Search by Name” or “Name Wise Result.”
  5. Click on the “Search by Name” option, and a search bar or form will appear where you can enter your name.
  6. Enter your full name accurately in the provided field. Make sure to spell your name correctly to avoid any errors in the search results.
  7. After entering your name, click on the “Submit” or “Search” button to initiate the search process.
  8. The website will now process your request and display the search results. If your name matches with any of the records, the corresponding result will be shown.
  9. Look for your name in the search results and check the associated marks or grades. You may also find additional details such as roll number, subject-wise marks, and overall percentage.
  10. Take a screenshot or print out the result for future reference. You can also download an official copy of the result if provided on the website.

Remember, the exact process may vary depending on the education board and their respective website. It’s always advisable to follow the instructions provided on the specific website for accurate and up-to-date information.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the 10th class result for the Lahore Board be announced?

BISE Lahore Board will announce 10th class result 2023 on 31st July.

How can I check my 10th class result online?

You can check your result on the official website of the BISE Lahore Board ( by entering your roll number.

Can I apply for rechecking or re-evaluation of my exam papers?

Yes, after the result declaration, the board provides a rechecking or re-evaluation process for students who wish to have their papers reviewed.

What is the passing criteria for the 10th class exams?

The passing criteria for the 10th class exams usually require a minimum of 33% marks in each subject. But the criteria will be changed by board from next session and minimum criteria will be 40 %.